Van Lanschot Kempen XS2A sandbox


Developers can discover and learn about our XS2A APIs. Just sign up for an API key and start consuming these sandbox APIs right away!

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Our API Marketplace


Account Information

Retrieve details of an account such as balance transactions, balance and details.


Payment Initiation

Create payment initiation applications from all European Van Lanschot Kempen payment accounts..


Funds Confirmation

Receive a confirmation of the availability of funds.

How does this work?

1. Register to Sandbox account

To get started create a free account on our Sandbox. You will be up and running in a minute.

2. Explore the APIs

Look through the API's available to find the API you're looking for.

3. Subscribe and connect

Find the subscription key in your profile and you're ready to go!

Bring your ideas to life

Van Lanschot Kempen understands that having the right tools is essential to bring your ideas to life.

Use the Developer Portal to get access to our APIs and start creating now.

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