XS2A sandbox

Get Started


The Van Lanschot XS2A sandbox contains documentation and specification for the XS2A endpoints it will expose. These endpoints show the format and structure of these APIs and can be used to develop against. The data provided by these APIs is fictious and is in no way connected to the existing Van Lanschot backend systems.


In order to use the APIs in this sandbox you need to acquire a subscription key. To get a subscription key you first need to register. You can either register by entering your details or use an existing account (for example from Microsoft of Github) through Active Directory B2C (follow the link on the signup/signin pages).


Once you're registered you can view API Marketplace. Here you can see the APIs that we have on offer. While you can try out the APIs directly from this portal you will need to subcribe first. For this you need to select the product you are interested in from the subscribe page. Each product corresponds to various TPP roles. Select the product you need and then hit the subcribe button.

In order to try out our interactive development portal we require you to connect with a (test) QWAC for the TLS connection and sign your messages with a (test) Qseal certificate.

For the signature please follow the instructions in chapter 12 of the Berlin group: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/c2914b_4a9b0db8c35841adb91531ef0faba4c2.pdf

Besides the header elements mentioned in this guide, we also require the Date header as was indicated in previous Berlin group specs iterations

Accessing the APIs

After you've subscribed you can find your subscription key in your profile. With this key you can also access the sandbox APIs outside of this portal. A fixed set of cases has been defined that cover the functionality provided.

In order to call the APIs outside of this portal you'll need to provide the subscription key through a Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header in your request.

Note for use with Belgian accounts

The Van Lanschot Account Information (AIS) and Payment Initiation (PIS) APIs are now available for Belgian accounts. In order to work with Belgian accounts you need to add an additional query parameter &country=be to the authorisation request.

Language support

Signing summary information for Consents and Payments can be displayed in multiple languages. You can use the PSU-Accept-Language header on the Create Consent or Create Payment request to specify the required language. Supported languages are:

  • nl-NL

  • nl-BE

  • fr-BE

  • en-GB

Other values will default to nl-NL.

Use of the contingency mechanism (fallback)

In addition to our PSD2 APIs, we also offer the possibility of using our contingency mechanism. Please read the information on the product page for the fallback API.

Registration for production environment

We are now accepting registrations to our production environment. In order to register, please send an e-mail to xs2a-registrations@vanlanschotkempen.com. In order to register we require the following information:

  • A copy of your license showing what roles you have

  • The name of your organization

  • Your name, address, phone number and e-mail address

  • The contact information for your organization's technical support.

After verifying your information we will contact you with details on how to access our production environment.